Tuesday, June 5, 2018



Class Evaluation 

  1.  One thing I liked about this class is that we never got homework. Also, overall this was a pretty easy class. 
  2. Some things I didn't like about this class was that almost everyday we had to stand up and say the ctr promise. Also, the sss were really repetitive and boring. After like 5 of them, they all started to sound the same and they usually all had the same meaning. Sometimes the examples for the sss were so long, I just put my head down and fell asleep. 
  3. I would recommend letting the students choosing where they would like to sit. I also would recommend changing the sss because most of them are just from old religious people. They all think alike, so the sss are basically the same. I think it would better to get the sss from younger people that we actually might know of, instead of these like 70 year old men.
  4. No, I'm not reading my life planning journal everyday because I usually forget and if I do remember I don't have my journal with me.
  5. I am committed to being a ctr person everyday because hopefully this way I will have a better future. 
  6. One thing this class taught me that I will pass to others is to always do the right thing. 
  7. I think one obvious thing I will remember from this class is the phrase "Choose The Right, You're Dismissed!"